三子糸コットンギャバ シルク起毛 バイオ加工 アスファルトグレー [TR5616AB]








Triple-thread cotton gabas, silk-filled, bio-finished, asphalt gray:
This twill weave is woven with three threads called mikoito, which is made by weaving three threads into one.

In the fabrics we have introduced so far, we have shown twin yarns (two yarns twisted into one), and now we have added one more yarn to make three yarns.

Twisting three yarns together reduces the twisting of the yarn itself and produces a straight yarn. You would imagine that twill fabric woven with these yarns would be hard and difficult to handle, but this time the fabric has been treated with a process called bio-processing, which softens the fabric itself, and then finished with a raised finish that is invisible to the eye.

Therefore, it has a texture with a core that is softer than anything you have ever touched before.

The thickness of the fabric itself is about the same as that of a 20 count twill, but the texture is different. Another feature of this fabric is its resistance to wrinkling due to the characteristics of the three-ply yarn.

This color is a mixture of gray, green and brown.

100% cotton


生地幅(cm) 128
品質(%) 綿100
製造国 日本
三子糸コットンギャバ シルク起毛 バイオ加工 アスファルトグレー [TR5616AB]

販売価格: 613円(税別)

(税込: 674円)

数量: ×50cm


販売価格は数量1で50cmの価格となります。延長の場合は数量2で1m、数量3で1.5mとなります。ご希望の長さをご指定くださいませ。(一部の商品除く) 実物の色に近いように努めておりますが、お使いのパソコン・モニターによって、写真と実物に色のブレが出ている場合や、生産ロットにより色ブレが出る場合があります。予め、生地サンプル請求お問い合わせをご利用くださいませ。


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Some items have a large number of meters. If you would like to order more than the listed number of meters in stock, please contact us through the "Contact Us" section. We will inspect and measure and contact you.