142巾:オーガニックコットン 透けにくい60番手 塩縮・反発ウォッシュ加工 ブラック [W51127BB]



なかなか、生地の説明表現がややこしいですよね 100番手双糸のブロードより少し厚くて透けないイメージを連想していただけると良いかもしれません。




142 Width: Organic cotton, Transparent 60 count, Salt shrinkage and rebound wash finish, Black [W51127BB].

This is an organic cotton woven fabric.This textile is made of reddish brown weave.In other words, it is a satin weave.We used to sell the white version, but we have received many requests for the black version, so we are now selling it.It is not a twill weave or plain weave, but a red-weave, which means that the fabric is thin but not see-through, and is positioned as a cotton version of our originalEven Shrink LinenThe description of the fabric is rather complicated. It might be better if you associate it with the image of being a little thicker than 100 count twin yarn broadcloth and not being transparent.The finishing method of the fabric is one of the bleaching processes, and it is called "repulsive processing", which gives the fabric a crispy feel to the touch.The fabric is washed and processed so that it has a good sense of wrinkling throughout the fabric.The repulsive finish gives you a sense of expectation that you can keep the silhouette without wrinkling after washing.It is quite rare in organic cotton.It can be used for everything from shirts to pants.



生地幅(cm) 142
品質(%) オーガニックコットン100
製造国 日本
142巾:オーガニックコットン 透けにくい60番手 塩縮・反発ウォッシュ加工 ブラック [W51127BB]

販売価格: 706円(税別)

(税込: 776円)

数量: ×50cm


販売価格は数量1で50cmの価格となります。延長の場合は数量2で1m、数量3で1.5mとなります。ご希望の長さをご指定くださいませ。(一部の商品除く) 実物の色に近いように努めておりますが、お使いのパソコン・モニターによって、写真と実物に色のブレが出ている場合や、生産ロットにより色ブレが出る場合があります。予め、生地サンプル請求お問い合わせをご利用くださいませ。


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Some items have a large number of meters. If you would like to order more than the listed number of meters in stock, please contact us through the "Contact Us" section. We will inspect and measure and contact you.