[ORIGINAL]イーブンシュリンクリネン ホワイト ハードマンズ社 [ST2185]





  1. 生地面をシワシワに縮めるのではなく平らな(even:イーブン)状態で縮めて透け感を少なくする
  2. 型くずれしにくく凛とした雰囲気で永く着られる
  3. シワになりにくく、生地自体に反発力がある
  4. 洗って天日で乾かした後の表情










High-density Even-Shrink Linen White

Generally, washed linen fabrics are often dyed, rubbed, and washed to give them a crispy texture.

Linen fabrics finished in this way tend to have a casual look due to the fluffiness of the linen yarns. The texture is so soft that the silhouette of the garment is easily distorted. Of course, there are some clothes that are better suited to a crumpled texture.

Therefore, we decided to create an ideal white linen fabric for shirts and other items.

We shrink the fabric surface flat (even) rather than wrinkling it to reduce transparency.
It is hard to lose its shape and can be worn for a long time with a dignified atmosphere.
Resists wrinkling, and the fabric itself has resilience.
The look of the fabric after washing and drying in the sun
In order to create this fabric, we worked with a machine shop and a textile processing company to produce the ideal white linen fabric, which was densely woven using Hardeman's 60-count linen. Two colors were produced: super white and white.

White is a slightly whiter color than the “off-white” of regular linen, and super white is our standard pure white color.

We would like to thank Hardmans for fulfilling our request. Hardmans name and tag are available for all purchases. If you wish to have it, please select it from the following options.

*There may be some unevenness in the weave and neps, which are natural when spinning hemp yarns.

 *Black lines will appear on the ears of the fabric. The color of this line changes depending on the cultivation season of hemp and the farmer. This time it is black line.


Herdmans] Herdmans was founded in 1835 in Northern Ireland as a linen spinning company. The linen spun by Herdmans, which is highly regarded around the world, is full of elegance and dignified luster. The durability of the fabric, which becomes more familiar to the wearer's mind and body as he or she continues to wear it, and the crisp, cool feel unique to linen are the characteristics of this fabric.

100% linen


生地幅(cm) 130
品質(%) リネン100
製造国 日本
ゆうパケット 1個口の上限数量 2m
[ORIGINAL]イーブンシュリンクリネン ホワイト ハードマンズ社 [ST2185]

販売価格: 1,590円(税別)

(税込: 1,749円)

織りネーム(ヨコ55ミリ×タテ15ミリ) (任意):
ご注文数量3点(1.5m)に付き1枚を同封致します。尚、2枚必要の場合は6点(3m)で同封致します。 60番手以上に与えられるゴールドラベルになります。 商品サイズ:ヨコ55ミリ×タテ15ミリ
タグ(ヨコ45ミリ×タテ65ミリ) (任意):
ご注文数量3点(1.5m)に付き1枚を同封致します。尚、2枚必要の場合は6点(3m)で同封致します。 60番手以上に与えられるゴールドラベルになります。 商品サイズ:ヨコ45ミリ×タテ65ミリ

販売価格: 1,590円(税別)

(税込: 1,749円)

数量: ×50cm


販売価格は数量1で50cmの価格となります。延長の場合は数量2で1m、数量3で1.5mとなります。ご希望の長さをご指定くださいませ。(一部の商品除く) 実物の色に近いように努めておりますが、お使いのパソコン・モニターによって、写真と実物に色のブレが出ている場合や、生産ロットにより色ブレが出る場合があります。予め、生地サンプル請求お問い合わせをご利用くださいませ。


応答及び返信時間:平日9:30-12:00 13:00-17:00 ※弊社担当者が不在時の場合LINE電話を受話できません。公式アカウントの為折返しLINE電話ができないので時間をおいておかけ直し下さいませ。


Some items have a large number of meters. If you would like to order more than the listed number of meters in stock, please contact us through the "Contact Us" section. We will inspect and measure and contact you.