[ORIGINAL]全2色:リネン14番手のリネンチェック ストーンウォッシュ加工(140cm巾) [STDE6229ZW]






私達Nuno Mittelは生地の風合いを変化させるノウハウがあるので、生地の目を詰めながらストーンウォッシュをして、柔らかい・毛羽立ちの少ない・生地目の詰まった透けにくい生地に変化させました。




Two colors: 14 linen check, stonewashed (140 cm width) [STDE6229ZW].LINEN100%

I often have this problem, too, but when I look at a picture of the fabric on my phone and purchase it, it has a "very hard texture".

I think there are some people who have experienced that the texture of the fabric is different from what they expected when they actually receive it because of the picture on the internet! I am sure some of you have experienced this.

This time, when I purchased the fabric, I found it to be "extremely hard! I also experienced the same thing. It seems to be a vintage fabric that could be used for interior decorations such as luncheon mats.

Now, "What should I do with it?" I was surprised to find that the fabric had a very stiff texture.

How can I make this fabric more appealing to the people who will use it? I was thinking, "How can I make the people who use this fabric happy?

We at Nuno Mittel have the know-how to change the texture of fabrics, so we stonewashed the fabric while filling in the grain of the fabric to make it softer, less fuzzy, and more tightly packed and less transparent.

My linen luncheon mats start out nice and crisp, but when I wash them after spilling something on them because I'm a little kid, they shrink and look shabby. So, I decided to shrink it to some extent first. So I decided to shrink it to some extent first.

And for clothes, salopettes, skirts, and pants, too...

14 count linen. The one that is well distributed is 25 count. It is a little thicker than that.


生地幅(cm) 140
品質(%) リネン100
製造国 日本
[ORIGINAL]全2色:リネン14番手のリネンチェック ストーンウォッシュ加工(140cm巾) [STDE6229ZW]

販売価格: 1,245円(税別)

(税込: 1,369円)

カラーバリエーション 在庫
数量: ×50cm


販売価格は数量1で50cmの価格となります。延長の場合は数量2で1m、数量3で1.5mとなります。ご希望の長さをご指定くださいませ。(一部の商品除く) 実物の色に近いように努めておりますが、お使いのパソコン・モニターによって、写真と実物に色のブレが出ている場合や、生産ロットにより色ブレが出る場合があります。予め、生地サンプル請求お問い合わせをご利用くださいませ。


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Some items have a large number of meters. If you would like to order more than the listed number of meters in stock, please contact us through the "Contact Us" section. We will inspect and measure and contact you.